
About Us

About Us

This portal is build by a team of qualified young educationist as well as IAS aspirant. We have tried to club all topics for general studies under a single roof for the convenience of our readers and fellow aspirants. Our endeavor is to provide our readers with 100% accurate information in the respective areas they are preparing. However as a human we also make mistakes and will appreciate your help if you provide us with feedback. This will also help in correcting the mistake quickly.

Our Mission:

During the preparation for various competitive exams, we require to buy large number of expensive books to complete our preparation in general studies. In fact sometimes these books are not sufficient for an exam aspirant. Our mission is to provide error free data in a cost effective way to our readers.

Our Vision:

We will strive hard to provide online help to our readers in general studies. Anyone from any geographical area of our country either rural or urban area can read general studies provided by us and improve their knowledge to achieve their future goal.

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